Thursday, March 5, 2015
George and Carmela Cunningham’s new book, Port Town, was the featured display at the Long Beach Port’s reception for JOC’s Trans-Pacific Maritime Conference. The speaker is port Chief Executive Jon Slangerup. The Port deserves a lot of credit for commissioning the 500-page-plus work, which is a candid history – warts and all – of the mistakes, successes, politics, and legal battles that ensued over the port’s 104-year history. Port Town is due to be released in June.
Port Town on Display
By: Reader Publishing Group

Monday, December 22, 2014
An electric Angel announces the birthday of Jesus Christ on a wet and stormy night. You don’t have to be a Christian or even believe in God to be charmed by the story of a child born in a manger more than 2,000 years ago – a child who changed the world. Myth or reality, it’s a powerful story, especially late at night on a lonely street corner in the rain.
Angel in the Rain
By: Reader Publishing Group

Friday, December 20, 2013
Thanks 4 all the Stuff
By: Reader Publishing Group
The Port of Long Beach puts its story to music.
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Monday, December 16, 2013
Authors Ken Cable, Larry LaRue and George Cunningham share a moment at a “Meet the Author’s” book signing on Sunday at Canyon Lake Farmers Market. A dozen authors participated in the event, chatting with their readers, building their tribes, and selling signed copies of their books. Some folks were buying for themselves, some as gifts for others, but don’t feel bad if you couldn’t make it. The books are also available on both Amazon and Barnes & Noble – just click the links on the right hand column.
Meet the Authors
By: Reader Publishing Group

Monday, September 23, 2013
Author Ken Cable gets ready to cut the cake at the launch party and book signing for his second novel, Track of the Hunter. The new novel, released by Reader Publishing Group, tells the story of Mark, a 16-year-old Forest Service intern who finds himself on the trail of illegal poachers who are slaughtering bears to sell their organs on the black market.
Track of the Hunter
By: Reader Publishing Group

Saturday, September 7, 2013
George Cunningham talks about the history of the Port of Long Beach at the closing session of Cargo Business News’ CalExport Conference at the Long Beach Hilton. George and his wife Carmela are writing a book on the history of the Long Beach Port.
Someday We’re All Going to be History
By: Reader Publishing Group

Friday, June 21, 2013
Author George Lee Cunningham spends a Sunday afternoon signing copies of his new book, chatting with old friends, eating cake, and drinking — what else? — KABOOMS.
(photo by Natalie Shore)
Signing Off on KABOOM
By: Reader Publishing Group

Saturday, June 8, 2013
The Story Behind the Big Story
By: Reader Publishing Group
GEORGE LEE CUNNINGHAM talks about the old days of journalism, why he wrote his first novel, The Big Story and why he set his book in the early 1970s when he was a young journalist.
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