5/30/13 A Ride Up Coast and A Look Out to Sea
Sea Elephants were almost extinct, but now they are showing up again on California beaches. Ken Cable shows you an encounter on these beasts of the seas.
5/30/13 Don’t Be Fooled
Don’t let the fur and big, brown eyes fool you. Don’t Be Fooled by the Cute Fur and Innocent Eyes 5-29-13
5/1/13 Is Freedom in Danger of Slipping Away?
Writer Ken Cable warns about the increasing williness by government to pass new rules and regulations governing our personal lives. It_Wont_Be_Long_Until_Freedoms_Gone_5-01-13
5/1/13 Digging It up in Utah, Sending it to Asia, Getting Cash Back
SSA Recycling has started exporting iron ore, mined in Utah and brought to Long Beach by train. It marks the first time in 40 years iron ore has been exported through the Port of Long Beach. Digging_It_Up_in_Utah_5-01-13
3/20/13 Wind, Rain, and a Face in the Palmettos
The last thing you would expect to find in the middle of a typhoon is a cold and hungry kid, hiding in the bushes, but that was Okinawa in 1950 where bands of war orphans did what they had to in order to to survive and trusted absolutely no one, not even a quonset hut of friendly GIs who saved him from the storm. Wind-Rain-and-a-Face-in-the-Palmettos
3/20/13 Women and Thermostats
Running hot and cold. Women-and-Thermostats
2/2/13 Two Things You Need to Know
Stupidity and love. Two-things-you-need-to-know
2/2/13 Knowing When to Hold Your Tongue
You don’t like it, shush and eat it. Knowing-When-to-Hold-Your-Tongue-1-31-13
1/9/13 Stop Recording the Moment and Start Living It
George shares his new insights on technology. Stop-Recording-the-Moment-and-Start-Living-It-1-05-13
1/9/13 Of Men and Apes
Ken Cables describes his visit to see Charles Lindbergh. Of_Men_and_Apes_1-05-13
11/17/12 Stranger in a Strange Land
George describes his life, in a nut shell of course. Stranger-in-a-Strange-Land-11-12-121
11/13/12 Thinking about a Career as a Writer? Read this first.
Writer George Cunningham likes being a writer, but he also hates being a writer. Here is why. 12-Things-I-Like-and-Hate-Being-a-Writer
10/15/12 What I Like About CA
Hint: It’s not the numbskulls in Sacramento What-I-Like-About-California-10-15-12-edited
10/15/12 Eloquence – Where Writing Becomes Art
Can eloquence be taught? Can-Eloquence-Be-Taught-10-15-12-edited
9/23/12 You Bring the Kerosene, We’ll Bring the Match
Burning books again? You-Bring-the-Kerosene-Well-Bring-the-Matches-8-31-12-final
9/23/12 Choose Wisely Children
Ken sends some words of wisdom. Chose_Wisely_Children_9-09-12-final
9/3/12 Call the Dump, We Lost Common Sense
Has everyone thrown away common sense? Find out here. Somebody-Call-The-Dump-We-Need-Common-Sense-Back-9-03-12-edited
9/3/12 Holidays, They’re a Labor of Love
The true meaning of Holidays Holidays-Theyre-a-Labor-of-Love-9-2-12
8/12/12 You Solve Mine, and I’ll Solve Yours
Problems? You_Solve_My_Problems_and_Ill_Solve_Yours_8-13-12
8/12/12 Traveling Light, Seeing the World
Take a journey with Ken and Tex Traveling_Light_Seeing_the_World_at_35_mph_8-13-12
7/22/12 Who Wants to Hang Out with Old People?
What is everybody doing at the Senior Center,and do you really want to know? George Cunningham is playing it safe. Who-Wants-to-Hang-Out-with-Old-People-7-20-12
7/22/12 Introduction: Major League Encounters
Introduction to sportswriter Larry LaRue’s new book, Major League Encounters. Introduction-Major-League-Encounters-7-22-12
7/1/12 Billy the Kid
Outlaws and Aliens – Stories of the American West. Billy-the-Kid
7/1/12 The Day the Earth Moved
A Good Day at the Epicenter. The_Day_the_Earth_Moved_6-01-12
6/4/12 Mouse in the House
Carmela explains what women say versus what men hear. Mouse-in-the-House-6-4-12
6/4/12 How Covering Baseball has Changed
Major League Baseball has changed over the years. LaRue-HowCoveringBaseballHasChanged
5/21/11 Ode to a Grecian Lamp
Ken recalls his trip to Greece. Ode-to-a-Grecian-Lamp-5-21-12
4/27/12 We Love Women, But…
George tells what the one thing worse than women are. italian-women
2/29/12 James Lee Burke Can Kiss My Patootie
James Lee Burke is a good writer, but when he eloquently kills off his main character, then brings him back in a subsequent book, he goes too far. James_Lee_Burke_Can_Kiss_My_Sweet_Patootie_2-29-12
2/29/12 Connelly, Crais on Raymond Chandler, Setting as Character
Crime writers Michael Connelly and Robert Crais talk about the influence Raymond Chandler had on their writing and careers. Connelly_and_Crais_on_Raymond_Chander_Place_as_Character_2-29-11
1/31/12 Road Trip Story Turns into Novel of Survival
On a long trip home, Ken Cable weaved a tale about three boys trying to survive in the mountains while being stalked by a bear. He later turned that story into a novel – LOST! Road-Trip-Home-Turns-Into-Story-of-Survival-1-28-12
1/31/12 Finding Wisdom in Popular Fiction
The wisdom of books isn’t confined to just “great literature.” Nuggets of wisdom often reside in popular, mass-audience novels. Finding-Wisdom-in-Popular-Fiction-1-28-12
11/30/11 Life is Frustrating, If You’re Creative of Not
The truth about journalism. Life-Is-Frustrating-Creative-or-Not1-1-26-11-edited
11/26/11 Time to Improve the Jury System
Ken shares his thoughts on the jury system. TimetoImprovetheJurySystem11-26-11edited
10/30/11 Possum is a Rat for Crashing Party
Ken explains how some words engender an immediate reaction in people. Possum-Is-a-Rat-For-Crashing-Party-10-27-11
10/30/11 George and Larry Show
The days of wine and whiskey. The-Days-of-Wine-and-Whiskey-10-27-11
10/30/11 Giving the Big Story a Second Chance
Taking a Second Look at ‘The Big Story’. Giving-The-Big-Story-a-Second-Chance10-27-11
10/8/11 Nail the Lead, Nail the Story
Larry LaRue gives some special advice. NailtheLeadNailtheStory10-10-11FINAL
10/8/11 He Knew Darn Well It Was a Snake
Before he picked it up, he knew! HeKnewItWasASnakeWhenHePickedItUpFINAL
10/8/11 Varnette Are You Out There Varnette?
Are computers really that helpful? Varnette-Are-You-Out-There-Varnette-10-10-11
9/26/11 Idiots to the Left, Idiots to the Right
Here we are stuck in the middle again. Idiots-to-the-Left-of-Us-Idiots-to-the-Right-9-26-11
9/26/11 From Caveman Painter to Twit: A Journalistic Journey
From twit to twitter, news will never be the same. From-Twit-to-Twitter-News-Will-Never-Be-The-Same-9-26-11
9/11/11 Crossing Paths with The Dalai Lama
An Unexpected Delight for Ken Cable. Meeting-the-Dalai-Lama-9-12-11
9/11/11 Thinking About Nothing Is Something to Think About
What’s So Wrong about Being Clear-Minded? Thinking-About-Nothing-9-12-11
9/11/11 New Jobs Plan, Work Less
Work less for more jobs? American-Jobs-Act-George-Has-a-Better-Idea-9-12-11
8/27/11 Whatever Happened to Cuss Words
You Can’t Sound Out %!@# But We All Know What It Means Whatever-happend-to-Cuss-Words-FINAL
8/27/11 Turtle House Offers Havens from Humans
Ken enlightens us about the turtles in Maui. Turtle-House-Offers-Safety-from-Humans-8-29-11
8/27/11 President Obama and Brave New World
President Obama reads Brave New World and here is why. President-Obama-and-Brave-New-World-8-29-11-FINALclc
8/15/11 Between a Rock and a Hard Sky
Sometimes when you think you are flying high, you find out the sky and be as hard as a rock, but male quail turns out to be tougher than he looks. Between-a-Rock-and-a-Hard-Sky
8/14/11 We Don’t Want to Burst Your Bubble, But…
George is amused by biases. Objectivity-and-Fairness-in-the-Age-of-Filter-Bubbles-7-21-11
8/14/11 If Your GPS Told You to Drive Off a Bridge, Would You?
George talks about “out-of-body” experiences. Is-It-An-Out-of-Body-Experience-of-Just-Out-Of-Your-Gourd-7-23-11
7/27/11 Checking Out the Queen and Paying the Price
Carmela talks about her favorite childhood book and stealing. Checking-out-the-Queen-and-Paying-the-Price-7-27-11
7/14/11 On the Road – There’s an App for That
George recalls his fond memories of On The Road. On-the-Road-essay-for-Reader-Publishing-rewrite
7/14/11 Book Worms of the World: This Ones For You
George and Carmela discuss the beauty of books. Book-Worms-Essay-For-Reader-Publication-First-Issue
4/27/11 Romance and Real Estate
Life in the wide-open spaces, death by the edge of a lake. Romance-and-Real-Estate
3/11/11 Sleeping With Strangers
George rides the dog to Phoenix and finds out why married men live longer. Strangers-on-the-Bus